Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Rhian Sarah In The Garden

We have sprouts. WE HAVE SPROUTS. Courgettes? Let's go, huh?


Friday, 19 March 2010

Rhian Sarah In The Garden

Yes that's right my middle name is Sarah. And yes that's right I got all horticultural on yo asses.

I've had quite a day. I've always wanted to grow my own vegetables, a la Jamie obv, so today was the day. Me and Bev got up at the crack of dawn (9.21) and headed off to the fine Garden Centre outlet Frosts. We had vouchers you see, which motivated me no end to get my arse in gear and start growing!

I opted for a courgette and lettuce to get me going, as Alan informs me that they need minimum input and are easy to grow. Success.

£32 later and a birthday card purchased by Bev (she literally cannot go anywhere without buying a card - unbelievable) we headed home.

Here are all the things I (Bev) purchased.


What are they seriously trying to achieve by missing the 'w' on grow? To appeal to a younger, hipper and happening-er audience? Yes, it worked on me. I shuned that other 'Grow-Bag'

The nice little bed we bought for the kids, seeds, whatever. I would imagine this would work quite nicely as manger for a nativity play around Christmas time - TOP TIP.
Also like to add that I'm a mug. I (Bev) payed £10 for this.


I was a little disappointed that it was assembled using cable ties. I was expecting the full organic experience and it being put together with sheep shit or sumink. Shame.

Here is the 'Fruit & Vegetable planter' nicely snuggled in.



I have been preparing for months for this you see, and Alan does say you are supposed to prepare your soil late Autumn. I say what about us busy people Alan huh? I'm only joking I'm not busy. Just incredibly lazy.

So there are actual seeds in there I swear. I wasn't so good at the sewing part. They're all over the shop.


And here they are in the dining room to keep warm. Ray doesn't actually know about this little installation yet, but I'm sure it'll be fine.
"They've no where to go Ray. Let them stay. Just let them stay."


Wicked. So I'll follow their progress and let you know how the little sprogs are getting on.

This feature completely dispels any myths about art college students being cool. I even dressed up for the occasion. I'm sitting here typing wearing a sensible and warm 'pullover', a sruffy trou, a gillet AND a neckerchief. I kid you not.

I feel like Will at the end of The Inbetweeners. I literally cannot get any uncooler. Feels good.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Be Jackson Pollock

Literally just taken the idea for my final piece. Bastards. But anyways good clean painting fun.

Picture 9

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Bless you

I like how they are all wearing smart clothes.

Friday, 12 March 2010